A Love-based approach to true wellness by Dr. Kathleen Donaghy


What is heart centered psychology?

How many times have you tried to fix things in your life by engaging in overthinking?  You wind up exhausted and stressed by your own repetitive gestures, thoughts and actions. The mind fails because it is fueled by thoughts; it’s not who you are. When the mind fails there is just one option left: the heart.  The heart is really your core, connected to your soul. It processes using images rather than words. It is your true center. Once you create “heart based knowing,” your intuition and ease and joy are enhanced. Belief that life is hard is replaced by belief that we co-create our lives.


The Co-Creation of
"Heart Based Intuition"

When you live heart first, the world opens up to you in a whole new way. 

When our hearts are open, and we’re in an emotional state, that’s when we’re most connected to the divine and to our original innocence. So when clients are in that state of being, my words have the greatest impact on them. That’s when I can be a conduit of knowledge and guidance for clients to awaken. I invite them into their own brilliance in those moments.
— Dr. Kathleen Donaghy

Using both conventional and contemporary methods.

Different challenges can be overcome using a variety of methodologies.
You can learn more about how the methods compare, as well as what would be best for you.



Self-Hypnosis training

Healing trauma

Mindfulness and meditation training

Actualization of the inner self

The Power of Affirmations

Personal Development Group

Conflict management tools

Anxiety management

Depression management

Pain Management

Grief therapy


Open hearted awareness

Self love

How to listen within

Forgiveness and letting go

Soul star exercise

Holding Grace points and releasing emotion

Connecting with healing earth energy, heart energy, and God energy

Nullifying the ego so spirit can step forward

Spiritual development and consciousness


Recommended Reading


Request a Consultation

Many people benefit from an array of services depending on their needs.
Let's begin with an initial consultation to determine the best path forward. 

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